-LONDON AISA MARKET LIMITED was found in 2003. The headquarter situated in London,Britain. The group is principally involved in financial investment field. Including finance,securities, security, risk investment and so on. Right now there are more than 1000 employees worldwide in our company. Asia headquarter was found in Kampuchea, and successively we set up new branches and offices in Shenzhen, Hongkong, Kampuchea, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia and other places.We will offer the best treatment to you!'-LONDON AISA MARKET LIMITED was found in 2003. The headquarter situated in London,Britain. The group is principally involved in financial investment field. Including finance,securities, security, risk investment and so on. Right now there are more than 1000 employees worldwide in our company. Asia headquarter was found in Kampuchea, and successively we set up new branches and offices in Shenzhen, Hongkong, Kampuchea, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia and other places.We will offer the best treatment to you!
London Asia Market Limited London,Thailand and Cambodia จังหวัดกรุงเทพมหานคร 10700 ประเทศไทย
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